
End of the quarter!

The DSA Team celebrated the end of the quarter with a night out bowling and testing our singing skills. We may have gone home with some hearing loss, but a great night was had by all!

Congratulations! Jess

Jess has been a member of the team at DS Advisory for the past 14 years, and on the 1st of July 2022 we welcomed her as the 4th Partner of our firm. Congratulations Jess – What an amazing accomplishment!

Eofy function – 1 July 2022

Staff separated into 3 groups and tried our luck at some Escape Rooms! None of us managed to ‘escape’ in time, but it was a great team building experience, working together with lots of laughs. Followed by a delicious Italian feast.

2023 Business Plan Meeting (Held In June 2022)

Staff involved in a monthly meeting where Chanaka provided the Business Plan for 2023 financial year. The meeting also included a lunch and a team building game which challenged staff on how well they knew their peers.

Supporting the foundation of goodness

DSA Staff attended a charity event held at Crown Palladium in support of the Foundation of Goodness. It was a fantastic event for a great cause, and an amazing night was had by all. For more information and how you can be involved, click on the below link: www.foundationofgoodness.raisely.com

DS advisory to the ‘kitten’ rescue!

There is never a dull moment at our office. This week our Admin Superhero rescued a family of cats/kittens from beneath our deck. The cute little bundles of fur are now being rehabilitated and will be adopted to families in no time!